Thank you, I guess.

Hello world, internet, people, strangers. I have realised that its been quite a long time since I last wrote a post for this creative and opinionated outburst site I write on. Several weeks ago, weeks that feel like months, I wrote many blog posts to upload regularly over time. Unfortunately, I ran out of “pre-writen” ramblings, meaning I was back to silence. Thinking about it from my present perspective, the lack of articles has subconsciously meant that I haven’t had anything to complain about, or think about. Maybe even, my soul has left my physical being and stolen my brain and ability to type along with it on its journey out into the universe. How exciting that would be. Right?
Moving swiftly on to why I have decided to sit down in front of my computer at 11pm on a Thursday evening. On Saturday, 13th June 2015, I saw Damien Rice live in Chelsea. A master songwriter with an unbelievable level of talent. Thats how my opinion would describe him.
Cutting a long story short, i’ve waited around 8 years to see him live, let alone for a third album which did eventually happen. Words cannot explain how this performance effected me. How does one man, performing solo with an acoustic guitar grab the focus of thousands. Utter silence and appreciation during songs. How? Why can’t I? Is he a wizard? So many questions. Damien Rice is personally responsible for my own addiction of becoming a songwriter. I stubbled innocently across his slow and ‘delicate’ music years ago (fans of him would get that pun there <<). It stuck with me, inspired me, and guided me.
The following day a friend asked me if I’d ever met him, or wanted to meet him. This brought a lot of thoughts to my attention. Firstly being no, I believe his music has inspired me and given me a pathway to follow and a kind of platform that allows me to express my own feelings and emotions through music. I’d be completely lost getting stuff off my chest if I didn’t write music. It’s bizarre how things could have turned out so different if it wasn’t for this man. I also meant no so that a preconception or illusion of what he is like as an individual person stays intact. My second thought was a yes, I would love to. Not for reasons that most people with presume. I wouldn’t jump on him. Fan boy him and get star struck. I wouldn’t care about a “selfie” or any of that pretend and annoying shit. I’d want to say thank you.
Thank you for writing music. Thank you for being there when I was trying to deal with tough times. Thank you for encouraging me to pick up a guitar and sing my feelings out. Thank you for pointing my life in a direction. So many things I could thank for. Words aren’t great at explaining everything. Perhaps i’m just not great at using words to explain things. Either way, thanks. People can love or hate somebody. I get that. However, it’s interesting how one artist can effect so many people on such a different scale of dramatism.
If you’re a creative individual, a poet, songwriter, dancer, actor/actress or general performer, see him live if you ever get the chance. You don’t need to be a huge fan like myself, you don’t even need experience listening to his music. Just go and witness a true performer in his element. On his stage. His audience to stun. To entertain, effortlessly.
Out of all the things you could look your idol in the eye and say..
Thank you, I guess.
Thats all.
Thank you, I guess.