Nothing is impossible…

Today I read an interesting quote online, it read “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘i’m possible'” (Audrey Hepburn). After reading this I contemplated for a bit and tried to relate this to every day life. I understand the inspiration behind the idea, but sometimes forced inspiration isn’t the purest of its kind.

Other quote similar comes to mind, such as, “Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it”, a classic I was told all the way through my childhood. The world is full of good and bad, yet what makes good good? what makes bad bad? These are all just opinionated outcomes. For example, think about this, you’re walking down the street and somebody you have never met, but possibly seen before, spits at you! THATS BAD IN MY OPINION and is probably bad by your standards also.
On the other hand, fan girls are at a Justin Bieber concert, he spits into the crowd, they love it and think it’s great to have a part of Justin’s saliva dripping off their chin. See, opinions are different.
Going back to the quote, there are great people out there in this great wide world, people who spend their entire lives inspiring others, dedicating their lives to better the outcomes of others. These people inspire me, the likes of Nelson Mandela and Che Guevara are people i’ve studied for a long time and fascinate me as individuals. Not necessarily a random quote, yet their day-to-day actions for the world. But seriously, I understand these quotes are supposed to be inspirational but some things are IMPOSSIBLE! (sorry to break it to all you dreamers out there, big up!)

I’m 5’10” tall and of white British decent, if I want to wake up tomorrow at 8ft tall and alien green in colour, thats impossible, no matter how hard I try, some things you’re just unable to overcome! Don’t go hunting out inspiration in a quote, get out there and see the world.

Nothing is impossible…