Another day

Here I am, another beautiful day. The sun isn’t hiding behind the clouds, she is out. Free from cover and shining bright for everybody to see. The communal areas have burst into life. People out walking their dogs, friends hanging out in the park, chatting and catching a long lost tan. Convertibles with their roofs down, posers without their shirts on. By now you probably get the point of what is occurring around me as I type this post. Another post, another day.
When I started this blog it was an experiment, as I’ve mentioned before. It was a new place to let out my thoughts, express my views, or, break down my emotions to an understandable and manageable level. Now I’ve started it, I can’t get enough of it. The more I write posts to clear my mind of thoughts, the more inspiration and ideas I get. The more I write, the more I want to write (if that makes sense). This leads me to think that I’m suffering the same symptoms as when I write music. I originally started going doing it to clear my mind of whatever view or emotion was blocking it. This being said though, they lead to more thoughts and eventually, a mild level of insanity. Well, it feels that way sometimes.

Whilst I’m sitting on this park bench, MacBook on my lap, it’s obvious what is happening here. I’m inspiring myself, I’m encouraging myself to be productive. At the same time, I’m building up a subconscious passion for blogging. I never understood the craze until I started reading lots of blogs, and writing my own. Now. I. Get. It.
A great positive out of all of this is actually reading back through my older posts. Being able to try and comprehend my thought process at that specific time. This activity is actually something I find quite interesting. I’m disagreeing with myself. Finding new ways to look at problems I had only a week ago. That’s unusual. Well it’s unusual and bizarre to me, personally. Back in the 90s, people had diaries to write in. Then years later they could read through them and kind of reminisce. Now people don’t tend to have diaries. Social media seems to hold every story the majority of people have gone through. Summing up their day in either a “status” or some photos. This is my diary, that’s what I’m going to call it..

Saying that, I’m not going to write posts about my daily events. Nobody wants to read that, here’s is an example of what you’d get:

“Today I woke up, maybe around 9am. I can’t remember fully as I’m slightly disillusioned when first waking up. Like all other days, my first activity was brushing my teeth. What a lovely feeling, fresh breathe…”

A post like that would suck. I write on here to try and bring many different thought patterns together. I’m learning about myself, and that was the main reason I decided to adapt and dive into this blogging hobby without fully thinking it through.
Like I said though, another day. Another day or writing, another day of trying to be productive but realising that I’m worse off now than I was before university back in 2011. Four years have gone by, I feel like I’ve gone downhill, but actually I haven’t. I’ve learnt a lot, I’ve matured. I am what I am, that will continue to grow and develop into the future…

Another day