Religion, Research and Readings

As I sit here, writing yet another post towards this blog I’m taking time to focus and reflect on thoughts I’ve been presented with in the past. I’m currently sitting in a library, the strong smell of paper between book covers, both old and new. A gigantic window to my left hand side. The sun is trying its hardest to fight off the grey clouds and show it’s face. The wind is howling, it’s a strong wind today. The Union Jack flag stands high and mighty in the remembrance garden, it’s tough material face is rapidly blowing. People are walking past, oblivious of the information to be found inside this magnificent building. All these facts, imaginative stories, informative papers, inspiration, I feel like I’m inside Stephen Fry’s mind.

My reason being here is simple, it’s just up the road from my house. There is more to this decision than the obvious. It’s quiet here, even though it’s easily within walking distance from my desk at home, I feel like I transform to another dimension or world when I walk through the automatic doors and enter this paradise. The peacefulness is inspiring, not to mention the knowledge I can find here. The inspiration in here is inspiring this post. This post might hopefully inspire you.

On the way here I had a thought, as many of us do every second of every day. Walking on at a steady pace, the word’s of Bob Dylan in my head as I’d just left my record player, taking in my surroundings and trying to plan out what I wanted to do today. Making the most of life is a challenge, but somebody once told me, “Every day could be your last, make the most of it”. Why sit and home staring at a TV when I could be out expressing my mind, taking onboard more information from a wide range of books? The deeper I get into understanding my own mind and the reason behind this post, the stronger the wind is blowing outside the window. Bob Dylan carries on to serenade me through my headphones.

For many years I’ve had a strong interest in Religion, I passionately believe that a religion is an individuals personal belief and choice, not something for others to challenge or judge. I’ve spent many hours reading books on Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. I’ve had many conversations with people from different religions about their own beliefs. I feel that you can be religious without following a religious script word-for-word. It’s the way of life that makes somebody religious, putting their faith and trust in a higher consciousness, belief in a ‘creator’ or bettering themselves by following guidelines to happiness.
I’m not a one-faith religious person myself, but it interests me, the media try to convince us that Islam is bad, most of these journalists have never even read the Qur’an or had a deep inspiring conversation with a Muslim. No religion is “bad”, there is good and bad in all aspects of our society. One persons actions shouldn’t form a preconception or judgment of everyone else.
Try not to be so shallow minded to stereotype a religion or a race under misguided opinions! The thought of people doing this angers me to my core.
Following my religious interests, Buddhism has always stood out to me. The beliefs relate to what I was once told (as mentioned above), how to better yourself, and become enlightened to fulfill life to the highest standard. This is something that I’m going to dedicate the next few weeks of my spare time into researching.

I currently have two books sitting next to me in this library, “Widening The Circle of Love” (Dalai Lama and Jeffrey Hopkins) and “The Many Ways to Nirvana” (Dalai Lama and Renuka Singh). I’m going to study these, understand the teachings of the Buddha and values I could change in myself or learn for a wider spiritual consciousness . Who knows? In a few months I could be a converted “Western-Buddhist”. I say “western” in the sense that old Buddhist values have been adopted and adapted to relate to modern societies.

If I had to put all of my ramblings into one dedicated message, or to sum up where my trail of thought has been heading, It would be hard. “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” comes to mind, however looking deeper into this, It’s the only reason books have covers, so they catches your attention and convince you to read them. “Don’t stereotype a culture based on one or a few peoples actions” could be another way to look at things. Either way, it’s hard to narrow down. I could ramble on for days but nobody has days to read a blog post. I encourage all of you out there to look into religious beliefs and faiths and some point in your life. You don’t need to be religious, or to follow a religion, everybody takes something different from them. Maybe it could inspire you to better your life without having to become an outright Christian, Muslim or Hindu. Now for me to get on with reading my Buddhism teachings.. it’s been a pleasure as always..

Religion, Research and Readings

Maybe it’s time to change..

Maybe it’s time to change, for as long as I can remember, I’ve held everything in, put on a smile and got on with it. Now I’m going insane, and starting to crack from the inside out. 

In the past year I’ve been through a rollercoaster. I finished a degree, and moved back home after 3 years building up a new life somewhere else. I’ve dealt with dramatic family changes and then relationship issues. No matter how things change, I’ve always been the person to hold it together, keep it to myself and just “try” to deal with it. Lately I’m finding that hard. Really hard.

Even if I want to sit down with someone I trust and talk to them, I can’t put myself to do it, the change from never letting emotions show to talking about them is too much. How bizarre the world can be right? Besides all of this, I’ve been trying to find the core problem to my struggles, why all of a sudden do I feel like I’m slacking? Maybe if I find the root of the issue, I can fix it and resolve things to a healthy level. A healthy level of mild insanity anyways. 

After reflections into my deep inner being, it became evident that I’m battling with emotions I haven’t had to deal with before. Changes I’ve never come close to experiencing in the past. If there was only one thing I could ask for, one wish I could have come true, it’d be to go back in time 12 months and better my actions. I’d make different choices and I like to think those choices would have put me in a better frame of mind than I am right now. 

Rounding things up, it might be time for change. Perhaps I’ve hit an obstacle I can’t beat by writing songs, typing on a blog or just out right, trying to forget. It’s currently 3am, Sunday evening/Monday morning. It’s a bank holiday so it’s acceptable, I hope. Tomorrow I’m going to embark on clearing my mind, be that a long walk or a vent of anger. Staring in a mirror with disappointment or talking to somebody about my thoughts. I’m a strong person, but maybe that’s because I’ve been backed up with some great people around me until lately. Maybe it’s time to change, immediately. Maybe always leads to more insanity…

Maybe it’s time to change..

Evaluate My Work, Not My Body Art

I’ve battled this ideology and judgement from “professionals” for years. This is a great expression of how it should be.

Ambika Kamath

When I was an undergrad, one of my reasons for wanting to continue in academia was my aversion to Western formal clothing. If I became a Ph.D. student and then a professor, I thought, I would hardly ever need to wear suits or dress shirts, and such a life appealed to me. I had seen academics of all stripes dress in all sorts of ways, and I naively believed that this signalled something very progressive about academia’s stance towards appearance: wear what you want, because you’ll be evaluated based upon your ideas and work, not how you choose to present yourself.

But a recent article in a column called Ask Alice (published on the website of Science, one of the most high profile scientific journals out there) confirms my naivete. In this piece, an anonymous academic who finds themselves in a “conservative place” for their postdoc, asks Dr. Alice Huang, “Am I crazy…

View original post 480 more words

Evaluate My Work, Not My Body Art

I’m trying..

Guys, girls, people all over the Internet. I’d like to take this time to apologise that I’m falling behind yet again on this blog “experiment”. On a bright side though, I just discovered the WordPress App, this may hopefully encourage me to write whilst out and about.

Anyways, I’m currently working hard on songwriting, had a dark week in terms of my thought process and I’m currently trying to write stuff to take my mind off that stuff. Plus, IM TRYING TO BUILD A TIME MACHINE! Damn straight, I got this. Reason being I wish I could go back in time and try again to change stuff I lost. I’m going to write a personal post very soon, I promise! 

As I said, I’m trying to write more but I’m distracting myself with pointless other activities, I’ll be back in the swing of things soon, I need to keep my followers excited (thank you to the people who follow my blog, it helps a lot). 

Take care people 🙂 

I’m trying..

Nothing is impossible…

Today I read an interesting quote online, it read “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘i’m possible'” (Audrey Hepburn). After reading this I contemplated for a bit and tried to relate this to every day life. I understand the inspiration behind the idea, but sometimes forced inspiration isn’t the purest of its kind.

Other quote similar comes to mind, such as, “Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it”, a classic I was told all the way through my childhood. The world is full of good and bad, yet what makes good good? what makes bad bad? These are all just opinionated outcomes. For example, think about this, you’re walking down the street and somebody you have never met, but possibly seen before, spits at you! THATS BAD IN MY OPINION and is probably bad by your standards also.
On the other hand, fan girls are at a Justin Bieber concert, he spits into the crowd, they love it and think it’s great to have a part of Justin’s saliva dripping off their chin. See, opinions are different.
Going back to the quote, there are great people out there in this great wide world, people who spend their entire lives inspiring others, dedicating their lives to better the outcomes of others. These people inspire me, the likes of Nelson Mandela and Che Guevara are people i’ve studied for a long time and fascinate me as individuals. Not necessarily a random quote, yet their day-to-day actions for the world. But seriously, I understand these quotes are supposed to be inspirational but some things are IMPOSSIBLE! (sorry to break it to all you dreamers out there, big up!)

I’m 5’10” tall and of white British decent, if I want to wake up tomorrow at 8ft tall and alien green in colour, thats impossible, no matter how hard I try, some things you’re just unable to overcome! Don’t go hunting out inspiration in a quote, get out there and see the world.

Nothing is impossible…

Here It Is… “It’s Not a Fairytale EP”

Considering i’ve been banging on about it for so long, for you lovely people who take time out of your day to read my blog, or follow me, here is the musical release that happened a week ago today. It can be downloaded for FREE, or for a price. Name the price and you get it for that, £0 or £100, all the money helps a wonderful bearded Jesus look-a-like keep creating and releasing.

Here is the link:

All your feedback is greatly appreciated, I’m a big boy, I can take the truth. I’d be honoured if you told your friends too. Much love, Ryan.

Here It Is… “It’s Not a Fairytale EP”